Financial Planning

Salary vs dividends: Taking income from your company


What’s the most tax-efficient way for company directors to take income? If you run a company (even if it's a one-person contractor company) there are three different ways that you can choose to pay yourself: salary, dividends and pension [...]

Salary vs dividends: Taking income from your company2023-06-02T10:14:01+01:00

ISAs – How can I make the most of my tax allowances?


Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced several tax changes from the 2023/4 tax year, including reductions in capital gains and dividend allowances. It’s important to make the most of pensions and ISAs, as well as gifting allowances. With reductions in [...]

ISAs – How can I make the most of my tax allowances?2023-02-16T11:49:34+00:00

GWM welcome Stephen Cummins to our growing Adviser team


At Grosvenor Wealth Management, we’re starting off 2023 on a high by growing our financial adviser team and expanding our level of expertise to help support our clients needs. We are very pleased to welcome on board our [...]

GWM welcome Stephen Cummins to our growing Adviser team2023-01-17T10:49:30+00:00
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