Inheritance Tax

Post-pandemic financial planning: Approaching your estate planning differently


For many people, the challenges of the pandemic have changed their mindset on lifestyle and financial planning. As well as this, the uncertainty of this time has shifted many of the foundational concepts in estate and intergenerational planning. [...]

Post-pandemic financial planning: Approaching your estate planning differently2022-03-21T15:22:43+00:00

How a Wealth Manager can help you achieve your financial goals


There can be some confusion about the service that a Wealth Manager can provide and how they can benefit their client’s financial goals. As a qualified IFA, a Wealth Manager can advise on any and all aspects of [...]

How a Wealth Manager can help you achieve your financial goals2022-02-01T12:23:14+00:00

Key financial dates 2022: Deadlines that investors and borrowers should consider


What are the key financial dates to consider? With inflation rising and speculation of interest rate rises to compensate, households are likely to see a significant jump in their monthly outgoings over the coming year. For investors, the [...]

Key financial dates 2022: Deadlines that investors and borrowers should consider2022-01-25T16:50:52+00:00

Legal ways to reduce paying Inheritance Tax and what to avoid


The UK government offers a number of legitimate ways to reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax (IHT) you pay. For example, through effective planning, you could make sure that you give friends or family gifts of assets or [...]

Legal ways to reduce paying Inheritance Tax and what to avoid2022-01-25T16:52:10+00:00

Protect Your Inheritance


Forward-planning to protect your inheritance Over the last few weeks, at Grosvenor Wealth Management, we have been running a series of webinars in partnership with Sherrards Solicitors to offer insights into the plans you need to make to [...]

Protect Your Inheritance2022-01-25T17:02:05+00:00
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