Webinar series brought to you by Grosvenor Wealth Management, helping businesses think bigger.
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Webinar Series
‘Post Brexit Transition for Businesses’
In a series of free webinars, we invited an expert speaker from Rayner Essex, Jason Croke to cover a number of topics focusing on how you can prepare for January and what to expect in ‘Brexit for Businesses’.
The webinars were a huge success, in-fact we also held a follow up ‘Post Brexit Transition’ webinar in January 2021. All the slides and webinar recording can all be found here.
About Jason:
Advising on all aspects of Indirect tax – VAT, SDLT, Import/Export (Customs) Duty. Jason has worked exclusively in indirect tax for over 24 years, advising the SME and not-for-profit sectors. Passionate about VAT, Jason approaches the subject with easy to understand language, with practical examples to help make complex rules much clearer and with pragmatic solutions to ensure businesses remain compliant. VAT is one of those taxes often overlooked in the day-to-day administration of business, but VAT can get complicated and often comes with penalties which can adversely affect a business.

About the webinars, they were free to attend and will ran for 45minutes with a 15minutes Q&A at the end. The topics covered were:
Session 1 - Exports (sales to EU/rest of the world)
This presentation covers the implications of Brexit and selling goods into the EU, both to consumers and other businesses. If you trade via an online marketplace, if you hold stock in the EU or if you have parent or subsidiary companies in Europe then this presentation looks at both the current rules and the future rules so that you can clearly see what impact Brexit would have on your business as well as the future changes the EU is implementing with regard online marketplace sellers from July 2021.
Session 2 - Services (sales and purchases)
This is a short presentation that applies to business who offer services and other intangibles – such as accountants, legal profession, consultants, IT, training and similar. Brexit has limited impact on services, but actually does bring rise to some potential benefits to UK service providers who deal with EU business customers but also to consider the Brexit effect on businesses who are registered for Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS). This is a short session because it is not as complex as the import and export of goods.
Session 3 - Imports (purchases from the EU/rest of the world)
The focus here is on importing goods from Europe into the UK, either business to business or as an EU trader selling to UK consumers. Like our Exports presentation, this covers the current rules and future rules post Brexit to highlight the differences which may impact your business. Also touch on the import documentation and duty codes/commodity codes which will be in play from 01st January 2021.